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  • Writer's pictureSara N Hershey

Women of the West: Kiva Lindaman

Kiva Lindaman is a woman who embodies grit and grace. She is a beautiful Woman of the West that loves people well, is resilient, and makes you want to be a better person. I am blessed enough to know Kiva personally and I can promise you, you're better for knowing her and being around her! Check out more about Kiva below!


What does homestead mean to you?

A homestead is heaven on Earth. It contains all of the things that matter most: family, land, animals. It is space, it is peace, it is a refuge. I think it is a place to connect to the land – to grow and bloom.

Where did you grow up and where are you now?

I grew up outside of Memphis, Tennessee for the first third of my life then Flagstaff, Arizona. It was the best of both worlds. I got all of the nostalgia of living in the South and the wide-open spaces and spirit of the West. We’re out in Rio Verde Foothills now just north of Scottsdale on a little homestead. I am married to a horseman, Grant Lindaman, who trains out of his family’s horse facility. We have a three-year-old daughter, Leola, and a 10-month-old son, Grant III.

What are some of your favorite things about living a western lifestyle?

I always thought I was born 100 years too late. I remember having my Grammy sew a Prairie dress for me with an apron so that I could toss feed to the chickens. I didn’t have chickens, but she made me the dress anyway and I loved it. For as long as I can remember I loved all things western. I grew up with saddle horses and told my mom I wanted a Quarter horse so I could be a cowgirl and run fast. Moving to Arizona provided me so many opportunities in the horse world and really connected me to what it meant to live a western lifestyle. I love that it connects me to animals and the land and the values that come along with that.

In what ways do you see God in your homestead?

I see God in all of his natural creations. I see God when I look out at the expansive mountain ranges, when I look at the sunsets or how bright the stars are in the night sky…also when I look at my babies faces. That is the best place to see Him in His most glorious creation! 

What is the Cowgirls Historical Foundation? How did you get involved with it? How can others

become involved?

CHF is a non-profit organization that promotes and preserves our western heritage and the equestrian way of life through volunteering in the community, educational programming, and advocacy of the western way of life. All of the members are women of accomplishment on and off their horses and share core values of preserving our heritage, patriotism, service to others with honesty and integrity. Our community involvement is everything from performing at rodeos and parades, to educational events to fashion shows and fundraisers. Our organization has been honored to participate in national events as the Tournament of Roses Parade and Equifest, Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, the American Rodeo, The Big Game Big Give to philanthropic events across the Valley like the Debbie Gaby’s Celebrity Catwalk for Charity, Veterans Medical Leadership Council, Florence Crittenton, Phoenix Suns Charities, just to name a few. I’ve been involved with CHF for about 13 years I was invited by a dear friend, Wylene Wilson Davis, and now I currently serve as the president. We have a “guest cowgirl” program where women can participate in events throughout the year, but to become an actual member is more rigorous where someone has been invited to join, is assigned a mentor, attends events, and then is eventually voted on by the board. (Check out a recent article about the Cowgirls Historical Foundation here.)

As a Mom, what is your favorite part about raising your kiddos around horses?

I’ve always wanted a miniature farm and when better to have one than with kids. I adopted a rescue mini horse right after we got married not just for my own joy (like a real life my little pony) knowing she would be so perfect for our future kids to grow up with. As soon as Leola could walk, she would go up to Loretta and grab her mane and tail and snuggle in her wooly coat. That little horse would be so still and just let her pull her mane and tale and love on her – it was the cutest thing! They are still a pair and Leola is learning to ride her all by herself now. There is just something about a horse that is good for the soul and I think children and animals have such a special connection. We also have a goat named Bena, 6 chickens, two dogs, a lion head bunny, and a goldfish. I think having horses teaches courage and patience and responsibility. I think kids who grow up around horses are fearless and have a sense of freedom that can only be found on the back of a horse.

What is your favorite recipe?

I love cooking; I love delicious food; and I love trying new recipes though my last meal would either be spaghetti or meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Both of my parents are exceptional cooks and my grandmothers too. We have a garden so I love incorporating our fresh veggies and herbs into dishes. It’s so hard to pick one recipe, but I love flavorful dishes and tend towards southwestern flare. I just asked Grant what he thought my signature recipe is, but he agreed I like to change it up. My mom has been showing me how to can which is definitely a lost art. She used to a lot back in TN and I helped her as a girl, but now I am more interested in the process and recipes etc.

What is the name of your all-time favorite horse?

Zippo Goes Lightly “Lee” he wasn’t my first horse, but we grew up together -- he was the horse that made me. We bought him when I was 12 and he was 2 and he is still with me today doing well in retirement. I showed him as a youth all-around in AQHA, 4-H, and circuits around AZ. I had him through college, when I moved out of state, back to Arizona, and now it has been so special to see my daughter ride him now.

Who is one woman who has inspired you?

Julee Brady, the founder of CHF, is one of the most incredible women I have ever known. She founded CHF 20 years ago to share her passion for community involvement, horses, and fashion and the lives she has touched through this organization is truly beyond measure. Julee lost her battle to cancer in August 2020 and there isn’t a day that has gone by that I don’t think of her (Feb 19th is her birthday and so she is especially in my heart) and her example and wonder what

might she say or do in a certain situation. Julee was one of those enigmatic people who lit up a room with their presence. She was the most genuine, kind, and compassionate person. She was a friend to everyone, always went above and beyond and was always doing kind deeds for others – she called it Kicking Up Kindness. She never complained and never complained when she was sick and was robbed of the time with her family in her final days due to COVID. She asked for nothing and instead offered that others could do a kind deed in remembrance of her. She introduced me to my extended cowgirl family - women whose friendships I will cherish for a lifetime. She provided me so many once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that have enriched my life. She instilled in me that the past is a present for the future, and life’s most important things are faith, family, and freedom. And I think most importantly she has brought me closer to my own walk with the Lord because of the strength of her testimony and love for Jesus Christ. I honestly struggle to find the words to express the love and admiration I have for her and how much I cherish her memory and impact she has had on my life. I am a better person for knowing her and I hope I can live a life full of faith and joy and kindness just as the example she set. Check out this video the Cowgirls Historical Foundation did for Julee at the Art of the Cowgirl.


Kiva is a one-of-a-kind gal! She is humble, encouraging, and has such a pure heart for the Lord! I am so grateful to Kiva for sharing her story with the The Wandering Homesteader community and for blessing us with the story of Julee Brady!

Let's all Kick Up Kindness this week and do kind deeds to help others!



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