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Women of the West: Brittany Brannen

Writer's picture: Sara N HersheySara N Hershey

I am honored to introduce to you Brittany Brannen. This Woman of the West grew up in the South and is a perfect picture of “roots run deep.” Brittany and her husband ranch in southern Georgia, just a short drive from where Brittany grew up. This momma is a fashionista, hard worker, and an honest gal who loves to share God’s goodness with others! You can follow Brittany on Instagram and check out her story below!

What does homestead mean to you?

A family place. A place where tradition runs deep, and family means everything.

Where do you live and how long have you lived there? Where did you grow up?

I live in Register, GA. It’s a small town in Southeast Georgia, and I have lived here for almost 10 years. I was born and raised in Bellville, GA (about 20 minutes from Register). An even smaller town in Southeast Georgia. Most cannot understand why I “stuck around” but I fully believe that this is God’s country, and I never want to be anywhere else.

What are some of your favorite things about living a western lifestyle (on a ranch or in the country, small town living, with horses, farming, the community, etc.)?

I truly love everything about our lifestyle. It is not typical by any means. The world so often forgets what farming/ranching families do in order to produce their “product.” This pandemic has really shed light on who and what are essential, and these farmers and ranchers are definitely that. I look forward to this time of the year the most. We are currently calving, and nothing is cuter or sweeter than a baby calf.

In what ways do you see God in your homestead?

I see God in everything. From the time I open my eyes, I know that I have been gifted with another day to be His light. I do not think farmers could do what they do and not believe in God. Everything, from beginning to end, runs off of faith.

Who did you learn the most about life from?

This is tough. I have wonderful parents, and a very large family. We are very close, and very involved in each other’s lives. My parents had the most influence on my life. They raised me in a loving, Christian home, and I am forever thankful for them. My daddy probably taught me a good bit more about life. I am an only child, and he wanted his daughter to be strong and tough. He did not want me to “need” anyone. He coached all of my ball teams, took me hunting, and taught me how to change a tire. I love my mother with everything in me, but it is no secret that I am a daddy’s girl.

What is your favorite memory involving horses?

Oh man, watching my girls ride brings me more joy than anything. I have one (Sawyer Kate) that proclaims that she will be Miss Rodeo America one day, and I have no doubt that she will be. She is 7, and has already won her first rodeo title. My second daughter (Marley Jaymes) has no fear, and if barrel racing does not work out, I have no doubt that she will either be a trick rider jumping through flames or a rodeo clown.

Another special memory occurred a year ago this Christmas. I had been looking for “my perfect horse.” We had searched high and low. Last summer I rode a pretty paint named Robert. I fell in love. My husband was not quite ready to pull the trigger. Every other horse I tried, never matched how I felt when I rode Robert. On Christmas morning, “Santa” gifted the girls a new swing set. The swing set had a mailbox. Speer told me to check the mail. In it I found a note to me. It directed to walk over to the front of our in-law’s house, because Santa had something for me. They covered my eyes, and when I opened them, there stood Robert. My heart was so full! (Check out the video above to see the precious moment!)

What is a life challenge you have faced and how did you overcome it?

What isn’t a challenge lol?! Before my current job, I worked in college football. I worked for a Division I university, and served as their Director of Recruiting for the football program. Crazy right?! I absolutely loved my job. I traveled all over the country, planned and hosted large events, and met some amazing people. If you aren’t familiar with college football, let me make something clear, if you don’t win, you will be let go. The coach I was working for, had a difficult season, and was asked to leave when we were only 6 games in. At the end of the season, the coach that was hired chose to let me go. I was devastated. He was a friend, and I had worked with him for years. I felt betrayed, and I felt like one person had just taken everything away from me with no good reason. I was hurt, and honestly still am, but I knew in that moment, I had to show grace. I had to pick myself up, wish him well, and leave. It was one of the hardest moments of my life. I was only able to do that with the help of the Lord. He guided me through those moments and the next few months. Some time had passed, and I received a call from my high school. They needed help in their development department. I would be able to be in a Christian setting, be at the same school as my children, and all of my holidays would be the same as theirs. I would have weekends and summers off, and be my own boss. It was the perfect opportunity, and I know the Lord had it prepared just for me. I just had to trust His will and His timing.

The biggest reward of motherhood is…

All of it. Sure, I want to pull my hair out most days, but they always want me to tuck them in and tell them goodnight. They ask me every night. It melts my heart. Both of them have also asked Jesus in to their hearts. When each of them made their decision and told me and Speer, that was a special moment.

How did you become an influencer on social media?

By accident. I really don’t consider myself an influencer. This is my everyday life, and I just want to share it in hopes that it may help someone else out there. I will say that I have a dear friend who is a photographer, and she and my husband and I entered a photo contest for Kimes Ranch. Kimes started sharing our photos and my followers started increasing. So now, it is my outlet. I have always loved fashion, but my style has been different than others. I just want people to see that it is ok to be different. Be you and be proud.

What is your favorite recipe?

I’m a Southerner, so anything fried. Or does Coke count as a recipe. My most favorite thing to cook and eat would be Poppy Seed Chicken. It’s simple and a crowd favorite.

Shredded chicken

Two cans of Cream of Chicken

8 oz. of Sour Cream

Crumbled Ritz crackers on top

Sprinkle in poppy seed, and bake at 350 degrees for about 35-40 minutes.

It’s also good warmed over!!

What is the name of your all-time favorite horse?

Robert. He will always be my guy!

Who is one woman who has inspired you?

My mother. She is one of a kind. She always made sure I had what I needed, when I needed it. She worked hard, but never missed anything in which I participated. We would butt heads a lot, but I knew she was always my biggest fan. I could never tell her thank you enough!

What is your favorite verse?

Micah 6:8

He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?”


Wow y'all! Brittany has such a fun outlook on life! She takes things in stride with grace, is always thanking God, and teaching her kiddos from a young age how to work hard, but be thankful no matter the circumstances! Thank you so much Brittany for sharing your story with us!

As always, y'all have fun and ride far! If you need prayer or would like to chat, I am easy to get ahold of!




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