Please tell me I am not the only one that likes to jump 5 steps ahead. I mean seriously, if you can see a good thing coming, why not just go get it? Am I right?!
Unfortunately, lately, God has been reminding me to stay the course. I know His timing is perfect and I trust Him, so why would I try to skip ahead?
When God is kind enough to give us hope for a dream and gives us a glimpse of what is coming, our first reaction cannot be to jump the gun and make it happen. Y'all, I am the queen of this. We have to be patient, stay the course, and learn the things we are meant to learn along the way.
Yet again, God has revealed a lot of this to me through horses. There are so many correlations between training and riding and our walk with God. For instance, one horse I have been working with lately is fairly pushy. She wants to walk ahead of me, she has no problem trying to run me over when I am in the way, and when she's tied up she won't stand still. Over and over again, I am correcting her. Backing her up when she gets too far ahead, moving her left or right, making her work because she won't respect the boundaries I have set for her. This horse could be super easy to work with if she just respected the boundaries. Instead, she has to work twice as hard because she continues to get in her own way.

The other horse I am working with is quite a bit different. She is tense, watchy, she's almost anticipating that something will go wrong. This horse is going to be solid one day. When she finally gets it, she is going to be steady and strong and good, but as her trainer, I cannot push beyond what she is ready for. I want to get on this horse and ride her around. I want her to reach her full potential. Now. But I have to wait. I have to stay the course.
Oh I could push this mare, and I could get on her and go. But in the long run, she'd be less confident and less safe. The worst thing that could happen if I push her too far, too fast, is she could buck, or run off, she could do something that would cause me to have to correct her, all because I didn't watch the signs she was clearly giving me.

How often does this happen to you with God too? I know for me it happens more often than I'd like to admit. God is saying, "Sara, go slow, learn the steps along the way so you can be confident and thrive once you get there." Instead, I'm over here going 100 miles per hour trying to get to the finish line as fast as I can. So now, I am working on staying the course. Running the race at the pace God sets me at. Soaking in each day, each lesson, each opportunity so I can get the full value out of it.
When we stay the course, we allow God time to work fully in us, and we allow Him the time to fully use us. We stay available. We can be a blessing to others. We stay rested and full.